
hello! I am poursuu. thank you for visiting!
Please review my Terms of Service before filling out the form.Other illustration requests that don't fit into the categories should be inquired to my email: [email protected].All prices are for personal use only. Please note that when requesting for commercial use, prices may amount to x2 of the personal price.
Personal Usage: OC art, non publishable/non profitable material, gift art, one time shares/posts (without promotion), icons/headers, personal items that won't be sold, cover song MVsCommercial Usage: promotional material, merchandise, branding, original song MV/video assets, game assets, pre-development project material, any big creative projects (passion and for profit)Do not include my art in any NFT or AI art related campaigns, projects, promotion, or any other related material whatsoever.
bust illustrations
simple background (plain color/textures/patterns) has no additional price. detailed backgrounds with elements and props has additional price range range between 30-50 USD.additional character(s) is 50+ each.
Illustration that only captures the top part of the character design(s). Simple or complex backgrounds can be requested.
250+ USD
halfbody illustrations
350+ USD
simple background (plain color/textures/patterns) has no additional price. detailed backgrounds with elements and props has additional price range range between 30-50 USD.additional character(s) is 80+ each.
Illustration of original character(s) that will only capture half of the design(s). Simple or complex backgrounds can be requested.
full illustrations
500+ USD
depending on the details for background and character design, there may be an additional price ranged between 50-80 USDadditional characters(s) is 80+ each.
A full illustration including the requested original character(s). Can show fullbody details and includes a background. Complex designs fits this request.
form request
alternatively for commercial request discussions you can send me this form to my email:Name/Company Name
Request detailsPaypal Email or Payment details + Budget (for Invoice on commissions)Request deadline (if applicable)Brief description of request with character reference links and publishable use details. (if applicable)
1. Commission is not first come first serve. When forms open, please submit your request. It will be reviewed to see if I am able to fulfill it, reasons for a commission to not be accepted during said time may be due to what has been specified on the form or that the deadline interferes with current schedules. Further explanation on declining commissions won’t be given.2. To avoid deadlines overshadowing each other, I will not host a waitlist.3. All personal commissions should not be used for commercial purposes whatsoever. This includes merchandise, branding, publishing, and any profit-based content unless approved otherwise. Commercial projects will always acquire an additional payment for royalties or any for-profit projects, further inquiries can be discussed through my contact information.4. It is highly advised that you request a commission if you are the age of 18+, using your own Paypal account, credit card, etc. Invoices will be sent to the buyer and not a third party person unless discussed.5. I will not accept commissions that portray heavy R-18 content and offensive themes. (nudity, extreme gore, etc.)6. Commissioned pieces may be added to my portfolio and social media accounts. If you wish to keep the artwork private, please notify me.7. I can't provide physical shipments of your commission. All commissions are delivered digitally with the PSD and PNG/JPEG file.8. You may not claim the work as your own, I rightfully attain all creative original ownership of the work.9. Refrain from making any changes to my work or designs that are delivered to you. Please review carefully if all details were done correctly. If some changes from editors or animators are needed, please notify me.10. Request OCs only, unless the requested published character is under or affiliated with the client for business means.11. If any Terms of Service is violated you will be considered blacklisted and won’t be able to request a commission from me again or be able to have any more transactions with my business whatsoever.
The following commission usage examples is as follows:Personal Usage: OC art, non publishable/non profitable material, gift art, one time shares/posts (without promotion), icons/headers, personal items that won't be sold, cover song MVsCommercial Usage: promotional material, merchandise, branding, original song MV/video assets, game assets, pre-development project material, any big creative projects (passion and for profit)Do not include my art in any NFT or AI art related campaigns, projects, promotion, or any other related material whatsoever.
1. As of right now, I am only able to use Paypal. Other payment uses will be planned for the near future.2. An invoice will be sent once a draft is approved. You may discuss and schedule for a half payment option as long as the price exceeds 400 USD, but know the final result and full resolution images of your commission won’t be delivered until a full payment has been made. (half payment means you pay 50% of the price once draft is approved and the other 50% before I send you the finished product) failure to fulfill the last 50% payment once the illustration is completed may lead you to become blacklisted.3. If you are on a certain budget you may note that in your form, or can discuss with me about that. Please note that the detail put into the request may vary from this. Budget should work with the base price stated on the form.4. I have the right to refund and cancel the commission if I am unable to fulfill your commission during the process for any reasons that will be discussed with you.5. Please do not do chargebacks, you may request for a refund or cancel if there is 6 months without progress on your commission. All payments are otherwise final after the draft is approved.6. Changes to your overall commission request can be discussed if I am still on the draft part progress-wise, depending on what you want there may be additional fees if it is more complex or requires more effort than your prior request.7. Once full refunds are given, you will not be able to use, have the rights of, or be given the commission you requested at any stage of progress. Partial refunds can be considered through discussion and the commission files can be given to you during its current progress.8. Please communicate with me if there will be delays to your payment and an accurate time of when the payment will be sent. If it is delayed for more than a week past the date we agreed upon without any update, I will cancel the commission.9. Additional charges may be given from rushed deadline fees, additional assets/details, requesting for drastic changes past the draft period, etc. However, if I made a change through my own volition due to any reasons involving creative input, no additional charges will be given and you are free to decline or use said changes I pitch to you. Missing details, slight changes in color, and small mistakes on fulfilling your request that have been discussed upon- may also not require additional fees.10. You cannot change your commercial commission into a personal commission once everything is finalized, partial refunds to cut cost will not be provided even if you decide to not publish or monetize the work after it is done or in progress.11. Illustrations or any other illustrated assets made by me cannot be resold for someone else to use.12. Commercial design works may be resold, but at my personal usage price range only. The new buyer must come to me to pay the additional price for commercial or royalty usage of the design you will no longer be using. This also means you forfeit your rights and ownership of the design to the new owner. I still retain all rights and credit for the work regardless.13. Custom character designs with additional artworks attached to them may be sold at the original price they were sold in.14. If you would like to turn a personal art into commercial art, you can contact me to pay for an additional cost.
1. Once your commission request is accepted and I have contacted you about the full price, the drafting process will begin. You will only pay once a draft is finished and approved of. It should be delivered approx. within 1-2 weeks if there are no delays.2. Illustrations may take up to 1-2 months for me to finalize. Bigger projects/artworks may require more time to complete (lore videos, extensive MV art, character spreads, etc.)3. If your commission request is under NDA or private, please let me know.4. You may request for updates periodically. (Preferably once every two weeks or so) I will also notify you about any updates on my end if I have personal situations to attend to.5. It is advised to give me an estimated deadline for commercial work, and to let me know if any extensions occur near that deadline. If there are no deadlines for personal work, I may provide an estimated one myself.6. All invoices sent will be with Paypal under USD currency.7. The full files for your commission will be sent to the email you have provided to me in your form.